Job Interview Tips and Help – Free English Vocabulary Activity

The 15-Minute Interview

This post will focus on 2 things.

The first thing we will look at  some general tips and vocabulary to plan and prepare your interview. 


Did you know that the average job interview is only 16 minutes long?

This post will focus on managing the timing on 3 interview areas. First, some simple questions to break the ice, second, some longer essay-style questions, and finally some technical questions to test your speaking abilities in a professional environment. 

Remember to keep in mind that it is best to stay to the point, keep your answers direct and focus on concisely answering the questions. 

5 Tips to Kick Off

Research the company.

Practice and prepare.

Be on-time and ready.

Develop a connection. 

Follow up after the interview.

 Tip # 1 – Research the company.

This is key. Make sure you know who you are applying to. For sure the most important way to kick off the process correctly. Google the company, check the employee registry for any common contacts, check where they have offices and finally, check the other open job positions (and how many).  

 Tip # 2 – Practice and prepare.

Take the time to get ready. This step is unavoidable. Use questions lists, practice in the mirror and listen to tip videos. Get feedback from friends and family. No matter how much practice you have, remember, keep a copy of your C/V or resume close.

 Tip # 3 – Be on-time and ready.

This seems oblivious, but many people run into problems in this area. A missed bus, a bad internet connection or any other pitfall must be foreseen and controlled. They say, the clothes make the man, and in the case of an interview, they also make the attitude. Even if you are not on camera, be sure to dress up

Tip # 4 – Develop a connection.

After starting the interview, the first objective is to make a quick connection with your interviewer. Identify who they are, their position and how much influence they have in the hiring process. Use body language and first impression tricks to connect. You only have 4 seconds. (the Wolf of Wall Street said 5 seconds, but Harvard proved it is only 4 seconds)  Make it quick.

Tip # 5 – Follow up with the interviewer.

The employer/employee relationship is equal; however, the interviewer/interviewee relationship is a different story. You MUST follow up. Remember that the HR analysts are busy, they have other things to keep up with, so keep yourself present in their mind. Follow up within 1 week to crystalize your image in their memory.

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5 Phrasal Verbs to Learn

To follow up

To kick off

To run into

To dress up

To keep up

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Why do people get nervous during job interviews when they’re asked questions like these? The answer is simple. People feel nervous because they know they’re being judged. They’re being judged on their personality, their body language, the logic behind their responses and the quality of their clothes. This is why extensive preparation before a job interview and the implementation of strategic answers is vital for your chances of success.

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