Job Interview Practice Questions – Free English Vocabulary Activity

Tell us about yourself… 


This post will focus on managing the timing on 3 interview areas. First, some simple questions to break the ice, second, some longer essay-style questions, and finally some technical questions to test your speaking abilities in a professional environment. 

Remember to keep in mind that it is best to stay to the point, keep your answers direct and focus on concisely answering the questions. 

Interview Style Questions

These questions will be a little more traditional and you need to focus on short, 2-part answers that are less than 2 minutes. These types of questions will help break the ice and make you feel more comfortable with the interviewer. 

  1. Why are you interested in the work that our company does?
  2. What if your morals conflicted with the work I ask you to do?
  3. Describe a time you exhibited teamwork in your work.
  4. Describe the current political problems you are you following.
  5. Explain what you can bring to the company.
  6. State how is our company distinguished from others.
  7. Describe what stands out to you about this company.
  8. Can you give us three words that would sum you up?
  9. May we ask what brought you to business as opposed to elsewhere?
  10. Could you describe who is a role model in your life?
  11. What do you hope to get out of your time with us?
  12. Would you mind sharing with us what you do in your spare time?

Essay-Style Questions

These questions can be prepared in advance and you need to focus on longer, multi-part answers that may need to be written. These types of questions will allow you to express yourself without the pressure of interactive questions. 

  1. What are your three best and worst three qualities?
  2. Why do you want to work at this company over other places? Have you applied to other companies?
  3. Describe a time when you came up with an innovative solution to a problem.
  4. What are some issues that our company has worked on that you find particularly interesting?

Technical Interview

These questions will lock up the job, however you need to focus on complete, in-depth answers that cover more technical aspects of your job. These types of questions will secure the job offer for you if you can stay up to par. 

  1. What are your technical certifications?
  2. What do you do to maintain your technical certifications?
  3. What are you working on in your spare time?
  4. How did your education set you up for this position?
  5. How would you rate your key competencies for this job?
  6. What are your IT strengths and weaknesses?
  7. What is most cutting-edge product you can represent on the market?
  8. What is the difference between the top of the market product and yours?
  9. Describe the technical specifications that best defines your product.
  10. How have those specifications developed over the last 5 years?

5 Phrasal Verbs to Learn

To stand out

To get out of

To come up with

To sum up

To set up

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Why do people get nervous during job interviews when they’re asked questions like these? The answer is simple. People feel nervous because they know they’re being judged. They’re being judged on their personality, their body language, the logic behind their responses and the quality of their clothes. This is why extensive preparation before a job interview and the implementation of strategic answers is vital for your chances of success.

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Job Interview Practice Questions – Free English Vocabulary Activity

Interviewing and Resume Writing in English 


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