Inclusive Language in Written Form in Professional Environments

Inclusive Language in Written Form

Modern Style Guides

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Used and approved by:

Associated Press (AP)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

The Chicago Style of Manual 

American Psychological Association (APA)

Five Principles

These are the main keys that you must include in your writing. 

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Number One: Use what works best.

Number Two: Respect other people’s wishes.

Number Three: Make choices that respect diversity.

Number Four: Write clearly and effectively.

Number Five: Be consistent.


In English there are several techniques to apply inclusive writing. There is no one technique that will solve all of your problems. However, with a combination of them, we can be sure to address your reader, and approach the situation respectfully. 

– using they as a pronoun
– using passive voice
– addressing your user directly

Using the pronoun of the shows neutrality in the language. When you speak in the passive voice, you add formality in the writing. One of the more modern ways is addressing your user directly to make a closer connection.

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When, connecting with somebody in written words, use their specified title and pronouns. It may vary when it comes to courtesy titles, e.g., Mr., Mx. Miss, Mrs., etc. Take this into account not only when you are writing to them as an email or correspondence, but also about them as in a biography or report.



You choose your words. You choose your expressions. You choose your examples. Avoid stereotypes, although they can be fun and joking they can be offensive and create bias. The more you use inclusive language, the more common it will become, so choose to be respectful. 

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Use plain language. This has been a movement that has been in force for the last five decades. In legal language this is been the movement for over 100 years now. Combining, inclusive language and plain English is a very effective communication method if used correctly. When you use plain language, the reader should be able to understand the main idea, as well as the details of the message the first time that they read it. 

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Be consistent in applying inclusive, writing styling technique all throughout your text in your organization. Consistency will take on many meetings in this paragraph. First, be consistently inclusive and make sure you are using techniques that don’t just apply to some groups, but that are truly inclusive.

Next, be sure that you are using the language throughout your document, and not just in some paragraphs or parts. Scan and proofread to be sure the introduction, body and conclusion all have the same register and read equally.
And as mentioned in the beginning, be sure that every document, communication or email being sent from your organization, includes inclusive writing, and very importantly make this an internal culture. This is not a choice. This is just how it is.


General Techniques

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Use the singular «they».

A traditional solution is the use of «they», and its forms «them», «there», «theirs», «themselves» as singular pronouns. They is gender neutral.

The senior lawyer must give his team feedback every month. 

The senior lawyer must give their team feedback every month. 

Use an article.

A traditional another way you can easily make a sentence gender inclusive is by using an article instead of a pronoun. Replace the personal pronoun with a definite article («the») or and indefinite article ( «a» / «an»)

The senior lawyer must give his team feedback every month. 

The senior lawyer must give the team feedback every month. 

Omit the Pronoun.

Sometimes the best option is to simply just leave out the pronoun.

The senior lawyer first should file the documents forwarded to him by the client.  

The senior lawyer first should file the documents forwarded by the client.  

Repeat the Pronoun.

Sometimes the best option is to simply just repeat the pronoun.

When a junior lawyer is required to file the paperwork, he must get it approved first. 

When a junior lawyer is required to file the paperwork, the junior lawyer must get it approved first. 

Use the Imperative. 

The imperative tells someone to do something. 

All clients must include a NDA with his initial evaluation package.

Please include a NDA with your initial evaluation package.

Use the pronoun «who/whom».

For very specific situations. 

A client is entitled to return from a company on condition that the client has entered into a valid contract with him. 

A client is entitled to a refund from a company with whom the client has entered into a valid contract.

Use the pronoun «one».

There are two uses of the neutral singular pronoun one. Remember, one use can be in the numerical sense, and the other use in the impersonal sense

A lawyer in Bogota is likely to earn more than he would in Tujna. 

A lawyer in Bogota is likely to earn more than one would in Tujna. 

Under the law, an employee has the right to earn the same as his coworker.  

Under the law, an employee has the right to earn the same as one’s coworker.  

use the singular «they»

use an article

omit the pronoun

use the imperative

use the pronoun «who»

use the pronoun «one»

rewrite the sentence.


Gender, inclusive nouns. Replace gendered occupational titles. Many of these are outdated and have traditionally came  from the male dominated workplace.

Anchorman / Anchorwoman


Brothers & Sisters


Businessman / Businesswoman 

Business professional / Business person 

Cameraman / Camerawoman / Cameramen 

Camera operator / Videographer / Cameracrew

Chairman / Chairwoman

The Chairperson / The Chair

Maid / Maids / Cleaning ladies

Housekeeper / Cleaning Crew

The common man

The average person

List of Inclusive Terms 


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