How to Organize a Master’s Application

How to apply for a Master’s Abroad

Read below for the tips, tricks and most importantly strategy and timing in applying for a masters application.

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How to Get your Language Requirement?

Be sure not to overlook this obstacle. The TOEFL or the IELTS can be the difference between the school of your dreams and just another option.

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How to organize your CV or résumé?

Focus on using a model from your target school very specific about the requirements and details.

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how to draft a perfect CV for LLM application
Learn to write better with legal English innovation CVs and personal statements

How to draft a perfect personal statement?

What makes you special? This is very specific call drafting a perfect personal statement involves breaking down the description and instructions and addressing each point correctly.

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Competition has never been more intense for admittance into the nation’s top law schools. The application essay represents your only chance to plea your case to admissions officers. Why select you over so many other qualified applicants?

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