English for the Non-Renewable Energy Industry in Legal English

Its all about the power.

Non-renewable energy resources play a significant role in powering our modern world. These resources, which include fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear, have been the primary source of energy for many decades. However, their utilization comes with both benefits and challenges.

A Quick Guide

Ice-break Question


What are some of the pros and cons to non-renewable energy sources?


Pro: A pro, short for advantage or positive aspect, refers to a favorable or beneficial factor associated with a particular situation, decision, or object. It highlights the positive attributes, benefits, or advantages that something offers. Pros are often used in discussions, debates, and evaluations to weigh the positive aspects against the negative aspects (cons) of a topic.

Synonyms for Pros

  1. Positives
  2. Strengths
  3. Upsides
  4. Merits
  5. Benefits
  6. Advantages
  7. Perks


Con: A con, short for disadvantage or drawback, represents a negative aspect or downside of a specific situation, decision, or object. It refers to factors that may limit, hinder, or diminish the overall value, effectiveness, or desirability of something. Cons are considered when evaluating the potential risks, drawbacks, or disadvantages of a topic.

Synonyms for Cons

  1. Negatives
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Limitations
  4. Downsides
  5. Drawbacks
  6. Disadvantages
  7. Shortcomings




Natural gas


One of the key advantages of non-renewable energy resources is their energy density. Fossil fuels, for instance, contain a high amount of energy per unit, making them efficient for generating electricity and powering various industries. Their abundance and accessibility have fueled economic growth and technological advancements, providing energy for transportation, manufacturing, and heating.


This liquid is a wide used term that encompasses crude oil, and it is refined into other fuel, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and even jet fuel. Petroleum and oil are often used interchangeably.


This rock found next to the surface of the Earth, and is one of the most abundant sources of energy. It is extracted through surface mining as well as underground mining.

Natural gas

This is a mixture of gases, held below the earths surface, and can be extracted similar as oil.


Nuclear fission is created and harnessed to produce electricity.

English for Energy


What is a barrel?

Oil production is typically measured in terms of barrels. A barrel is a unit of volume and is commonly used in the oil industry to quantify the amount of oil extracted or produced. The standard measurement is the barrel of oil, which is equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons or approximately 159 liters.

Oil production is usually reported in terms of barrels per day (bpd) or barrels per year (bpy). These measurements represent the average amount of oil produced in a day or year, respectively.

English for the Energy Sector Rig

One Barrel = 42 US gallons = 159 liters

As of 2021, the global oil production averaged around 94.4 million barrels per day (bpd), according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The United States was the top oil-producing country in 2020, surpassing both Saudi Arabia and Russia. Its average daily oil production was around 15 million bpd.

Saudi Arabia was the second-largest oil producer in 2020, with an average daily production of approximately 12 million bpd.

Russia ranked third in oil production in 2020, with an average daily output of around 10 million bpd.

OPEC member countries collectively accounted for about 37% of global oil production in 2020.

Side Note: Petrol is a UK term for gasoline. This term is not used in the US.

In the US, gas is used for cars and trucks.


In coal mining operations, the extraction of coal from mines is often quantified in terms of tons. The total amount of coal extracted from a mine or a group of mines during a specific period, such as a day, week, month, or year, is expressed in tons. For example, a coal mine might produce 10,000 tons of coal in a month.

Learn about mining with Legal English Innovation

What is a ton?

Coal is typically measured in tons when quantifying its quantity. The ton used for measuring coal is a metric ton, also known as a tonne, and is defined as 1,000 kilograms or approximately 2,204.62 pounds. The measurement process involves determining the weight or mass of the coal using weighing scales or other specialized equipment.

It’s important to note that coal can also be measured in other units, such as short tons or long tons, depending on the regional or industry-specific conventions. However, the metric ton (tonne) is the most widely used unit for measuring coal globally.

A tonne = 1,000 kg or 2,204 lbs

A ton = 2000 lbs

Natural Gas

Natural gas is a versatile and abundant fossil fuel that has become an essential part of the global energy mix. It is primarily composed of methane (CH4) and is formed deep within the Earth’s crust over millions of years through the decomposition of organic matter.

Natural gas in Legal English

Cubic what?

  1. Cubic Feet (ft³): Cubic feet is a unit used to measure the volume of natural gas. It represents the amount of gas that occupies one cubic foot of space. It is often used for residential and small-scale commercial consumption.

  2. Cubic Meters (m³): Cubic meters is another unit of volume commonly used to measure natural gas. It is the metric equivalent of cubic feet and is widely used in international trade and large-scale industrial applications.


Nuclear energy is a highly debated and controversial topic that has garnered significant attention in recent years. It refers to the process of generating electricity through nuclear reactions, specifically by harnessing the power of atomic nuclei. While it carries certain risks and concerns, it also possesses a unique set of advantages.

English for Energy Nuclear

Nuclear Numbers

Neutron Flux: In nuclear reactors, neutron flux measures the density of neutrons, which are crucial for sustaining and controlling nuclear reactions. Neutron flux is often measured in units of neutrons per square centimeter per second (n/cm²/s).

Power Output: Nuclear power plants generate electricity, and the power output of a nuclear reactor is measured in terms of electrical power. It is typically expressed in units such as megawatts (MW) or gigawatts (GW). Power output refers to the rate at which the nuclear reactor is producing usable electrical energy.

Welcome to Arco

Arco, Idaho holds the distinction of being the world’s first nuclear-powered town. In 1955, the nearby Experimental Breeder Reactor-I (EBR-I) produced electricity that lit up the homes and businesses of Arco, marking a milestone in the history of nuclear energy. This event was a significant step in the development of nuclear power, which has since played a crucial role in global energy production. Arco’s pioneering achievement remains a symbol of the early exploration of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

About the content creator.

Eric Froiland is a legal English teacher originating from the United States, who has resided in Bogota, Colombia for the past decade. He holds the esteemed position of a guest columnist at Ambito Jurídico, where he shares his profound knowledge with its discerning readership. Additionally, as the proprietor and founder of Legal English Innovation SAS, he has earned widespread recognition as the foremost legal English academy in Colombia, proudly serving as an official Test of Legal English Skills (TOLES) examination center.

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