LOR – What it is, and why it is important.

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Letters of Recommendation (LOR)

And how to get them. 

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So, how do you start? 

A letter of recommendation is a document designed to show support for a candidate in a particular position. There are several important things to take into count which we will cover in this article.

Let’s take Oxford as an example.

This is the highest standard. It has a long time standing as one of the top private universities in the UK. They have a very standard procedure for sending admitting students, so therefore we will use them as a model.


Find the course description online and go line by line to see in depth what is about and who it’s for.

Oxford Masters of law revolution Bashan
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  • Overview

The MJur aims to bring students into advanced intellectual engagement with some of the most difficult issues in law and legal theory, an engagement distinguished by rigour, depth and conceptual sophistication requiring immersion in law as an academic discipline as well as informed openness to neighbouring disciplines. 

The MJur raises students to the highest level of professionalism in analysis and argument, equipping them intellectually for legal practice or work as a legal academic at the highest level, as well as for a wide range of other intellectually demanding roles.  

The course offers a learning experience characterised by a demanding schedule of independent study, highly participative round-table seminars, and a complementary diet of close individual or small-group contact with tutors.

By studying the course, you will obtain a thorough knowledge and deep understanding of four new legal or legally-related subjects – these being subjects which, at undergraduate level were either not studied at all, or were only studied in a more elementary way. You will develop an understanding of neighbouring academic disciplines sufficient for a mature appreciation of the place of law in the world and mature and critical attitude towards law. A knowledge will also be acquired of the values and techniques of advanced legal scholarship and/or the advanced interdisciplinary study of law.

The MJur shares most of its course content with the BCL, and for the most part, BCL and MJur students study the same options in the same classes, thereby producing a diverse mix of students who can contribute a wide variety of different perspectives to seminar and tutorial disc

Course in brief

Course length
10 months

The Magister Juris, or MJur, is a counterpart to the BCL (the Bachelor of Civil Law, our long-standing and highly regarded masters course for students from a common law background), and offers much the same provision as the BCL, but for students from a civil law background. The programme gives students from non-common law backgrounds an opportunity to explore some of the distinctive methods, practises and doctrines of the common law. As a masters level degree, its academic standard is significantly higher than that required in a first law degree, such as a BA, LLB, or JD, and only those with outstanding first law degrees are admitted. Courses are not introductory, and students are expected to analyse complex material critically and to make their own contribution to the debate.


Yale CV Education Section

Structure of the Course


There are no compulsory courses on the MJur; instead, students choose from a combination of full and half-options, choosing either four full options, or three full options and two half-options, or two full options and four half-options. MJur students may choose full options from two lists: the list of options shared with the BCL (typically around 35 different options) and a list of undergraduate subjects (typically a dozen or so) which are made available to MJur students and from which they may pick one. In place of one full option, students may also choose to write a dissertation of 10,000 to 12,500 words on a topic of their choosing (subject to Faculty approval). All options are taught by a combination of lectures and/or seminars and tutorials, apart from the dissertation option, which involves one-to-one sessions with an assigned supervisor. Each student is allocated an academic advisor who will serve as a general source of advice on academic matters.

Seminars are normally led by a senior member of academic staff but are typically interactive in nature, and you will be expected to participate in the discussions arising from the material covered. Tutorials involve an intensive discussion between a tutor and (typically) two to four students, providing an opportunity for you to present your ideas and discuss your work with leading academics. Typically, seminars will introduce you to a particular area of study and familiarise you with general concepts and ideas which will then be investigated in greater depth in the tutorials. For most tutorials you will be expected to write an essay, which typically will be marked and returned to you at the next tutorial.

Outside of the seminars and tutorials, you will be expected to read extensively in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to engage with course material at an appropriate level. 

Honors & Activities 

Brainstorming a personal statement

Honors & Activities

And now to head on to Honors and Activities. These should be two separate subsections in Education. Add a maximum of 3 to 5 entries per subsection. Too many “honors” or “activities” will diminish the effect of the real shining stars. The Honors entries may show any awards or notable distinctions given to you for example, Phi Beta Kappa, or being put on the Dean’s List.

Please take note to choose wisely where to put the Dean’s list because it can be redundant when you have graduated with Latin honors. The Activities entries may indicate relevant information about student organizations, reading groups, sports, or any clubs you have been involved in.


  • Moot Court awards
  • Major law journal publications
  • Scholarships and fellowships


  • Public service positions
  • Student government positions
  • Work in the law clinic


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Writing the right writing section can be tricky. Thesis and Publications are very important in academic resumes and CVs. If your undergraduate thesis had a distinct connection to law, list it as a subsection under Education in italics. Any significant articles that you have written or been a part of for a journal, magazine or other publication should take a separate Publications section, in Bluebook format. Please indicate publishing dates including pending or forthcoming publications.



An experience can be worth 1000 words, but you don’t have that much space. List the entries in reverse chronological order, beginning with your most recent first. This can include volunteer work, paid positions, pro-bono work, internships and more.

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Company Information

    • Include the name of the employer, the location, job titles, and dates. This is important to be accurate and show attention to detail. Check every comma, dash, space and period. Choose the job title very carefully to each position you’re applying for.
      • Mark the dates on your résumé clearly.
      • Align year on the right-hand margin.
      • Use Summer 20XX, Fall 20XX etc. or just the year.
      • Avoid using exact months.

Position Description

  • Use a description to highlight the work experiences that are most critical to the position. Use details, but you do not exaggerate the extent of your responsibilities. Break the descriptions into manageable phrases that are easier to scan than sentences.
    • Use action verbs to start each segment.
    • For current position, use 1st person, simple present
    • For past position, use 1st person, simple past
    • Omit the use of passive verbs, “was directed by”,
    • Omit subject pronouns, I, you, we, etc.
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Casual Jobs

    • List any casual university jobs, such as sales clerks, serving positions, and receptionist in shorter descriptions. Do not omit these jobs due to the fact that they fill gaps in employment history, as well as show hustle while in school.

Additional Information:

– Languages

– IT Skills

– Personal Interests.

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Languages are very important to list accurately. List relevant languages spoken, along with any certifications to verify the level. Do not over exaggerate notifications, as you may be asked to demonstrate them during an interview if they are an important part of the position.

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IT Skills

    • Moreover, technology skills need to be listed carefully. There are universal skills such as MS Word and MS Excel, which are universal at an average level. List these programs if you have advanced certifications which can be useful to the employer. Next, LL.M. applicants need to focus on legal software, LEXIS-NEXIS or Westlaw will not set you apart from other candidates, however if you have particular skills such as coding, analytics they can be relevant list them as necessary.


  • The last line of your CV résumé, should make a large impact. This is invaluable for interviews and it is your outside hobbies or interests.

Yale interests section
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    • It is not necessary to add “references upon request”, or any other line to indicate this. Employers and it will request them separately, so do not use any valuable space on your résumé. See our other articles on reference sheets, cover letters, and personal statements.

Competition has never been more intense for admittance into the nation’s top law schools. The application essay represents your only chance to plea your case to admissions officers. Why select you over so many other qualified applicants?

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